Agorism: The Black Market is the Free Market

Let’s start this off right…

Support your local Black Market.

I’m not saying support something illegal or do anything illegal. I know that’s the knee jerk reaction most people have when they read something like this. So don’t misconstrue anything in this article as advocating the violation of laws.

Before we get into agorism…

What is the Black Market anyway?

The black market seems like a controversial idea when, in reality, it’s not.

A black market is any market that exists outside the purview of government. That’s really it.

The way the government paints it is that it’s where the most evil people go to do the absolute worst things in secret. The irony here, of course, is that governments have murdered hundreds of millions of people in the name of the state and have been transparent about it all along.

Let’s look at some simple examples of black markets that everyone knows about but don’t realize are black markets:

  • Garage Sales
  • Flea Markets
  • Craigslist
  • Facebook Marketplace
  • A private online store
  • Food trucks
  • Trading goods or services with your neighbors

Yes, some of those require special licensing depending on where they’re located, but not all do. Typically, these are cash businesses that accept paper currency, cryptocurrencies, or precious metals like Goldbacks, and most of the time, they’re run by people who just want to make a better life for themselves.

Again, these “markets” are places where people usually do business outside the purview of government. You go to your neighbor’s garage sale and buy their old books using the wadded up cash you have in your pocket and go home to enjoy them- no government intervention. This is how we get to agorism.

What is Agorism?

In a nutshell, agorism is the idea that we don’t need some big, powerful government telling us what to do. Instead, we can just live our lives, make our own choices, and work things out with each other without needing some authority figure to step in. It’s all about voluntary interactions, mutual respect, and being free to do our own thing. No coercion, no force- just people working together and figuring things out in a peaceful way.

One of the key benefits of agorism is that it allows for true financial freedom. When we’re not forced to use the surveilled banking system, we can keep our transactions private and secure. This is especially important in today’s world, where governments and corporations are constantly trying to collect and exploit our personal data. By using cash or cryptocurrencies, we’re able to take back control of our financial information and keep it out of the hands of those who would misuse it.

This is why the black market is so important. It’s not just a place where people can buy and sell goods and services; it’s also a way to protect our financial privacy and security. And it’s not just about buying and selling; it’s about creating a more free and prosperous society.

Black Markets are Free Markets

But what about the argument that black markets are unregulated and therefore prone to exploitation and danger? This is a common misconception. In reality, many black markets have their own systems of regulation and accountability. These systems might not be as formal or bureaucratic as government regulations, but they’re often more effective and responsive to consumer needs.

For example, online decentralized black markets tend to have their own systems of reputation and feedback, which allow buyers and sellers to rate each other and build trust. These systems are often more effective at preventing scams and ensuring quality than any government regulation.

The intersection of agorism and technology is a fascinating area of exploration. With the rise of cryptocurrencies, encrypted communication, and other technologies, it’s become easier than ever to engage in voluntary exchanges outside of government control. Decentralized marketplaces have emerged, allowing buyers and sellers to connect directly and securely.

However, the fact that something is possible doesn’t necessarily make it moral. The relationship between morality and legality is complex, and it’s a topic that warrants careful consideration. Should we always follow the law, even if it’s immoral? Or are there situations where it’s justified to disregard the law in favor of a higher moral principle? These are questions that get to the heart of the agorist philosophy, and they require thoughtful reflection and debate.

Legality is not Morality

One of the biggest misconceptions about black markets is that they’re inherently immoral or unethical. But the truth is, morality and legality are two separate things. Just because something is illegal doesn’t mean it’s immoral, and just because something is moral doesn’t mean it’s legal.

For example, the government might outlaw a certain type of drug, but that doesn’t mean it’s inherently immoral to use or sell that drug. In fact, many people would argue that the war on drugs is a moral travesty, and that the government’s actions are causing more harm than good.

This brings us to the concept of legitimacy. Governments often claim that their authority is legitimate because it’s based on the consent of the governed. But the truth is, this consent is often coerced or manufactured. People are forced to comply with government regulations and laws, not because they agree with them, but because they fear the consequences of disobedience.

Become Ungovernable

agorism bird

In reality, legitimacy comes from voluntary associations and exchanges between individuals. When people are free to make their own choices and live their own lives, that’s when we see true legitimacy. Not when some group of bureaucrats or politicians claims to have authority over us.

So what can we do to take back control of our lives and our economy? We can start by supporting and participating in black markets, whenever and wherever possible. We can use cryptocurrencies (like Beam, Monero, Pirate Chain, and Zano) or precious metals and encrypted communication to protect our financial privacy and security. And we can spread awareness about the importance of agorism and voluntary exchange.

By doing so, we’re not just creating a more free and prosperous society; we’re also undermining the authority of those who seek to control and exploit us. We’re taking back our power and our autonomy, and we’re creating a world where individuals are free to live their lives as they see fit.

Exploring the free markets

If you’re interested in learning more about agorism and exploring alternative marketplaces, there are many resources available. From online directories and community-driven platforms to in-person meetups and decentralized marketplaces, there are numerous ways to connect with like-minded individuals and learn more about the principles of voluntary exchange.

Here are some resources to get you started:

  • Goldbacks Merchant Directory: A list of brick and mortar merchants that accept Goldbacks
  • Monerica: A directory of merchants and businesses that accept Monero
  • Arrrmada: A list of places to spend Pirate Chain
  • Zano List: A directory of merchants and businesses that accept Zano
  • KYC Not Me: A platform for buying and selling cryptocurrencies without know-your-customer (KYC) and anti-money laundering (AML) restrictions
  • Craigslist: A popular online marketplace for buying and selling goods and services
  • Flea Market Zone: A directory of flea markets and swap meets across the US
  • Local online selling groups (e.g. Facebook Marketplace, Nextdoor, etc.)
  • In-person meetups and events (e.g. conferences, cryptocurrency meetups, etc.)
  • Online forums and communities (e.g. Reddit’s r/agorism, etc.)

Black Markets are just Free Markets- that’s all they are.

Go ahead…

Support your Local Black Market.


If you like my work, consider donating!

  • Monero
  • Zano
  • Pirate Chain
  • Beam

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Beam Address: 8WWUkQiqiJgTwDE5gcNR3cUoSfKhexdaUNjnhFE5CtVTT3KPwQaKxhQt4qqBxvg5wvESztxUPcbnjJC7CxQUNfGgp4e86hWFeATE3pvVENGetdC9kjQX84WLe91SsPmjgiNgDxTmEr9vKxNi8vVFuaX9j4wZvvnV9MPZNTgroDCC9oatrvRd7PvvhtppPEkm2BhPQHsU4pwjB5vQZBWZyibaG6D3gWk2iG1DEL5dTmgkc7TCCJME8TxCy1yTu2HfFSjhQTdWqPP5rkEtNoEby31MivV5S9w2uaeoanTcfEnN4FUVRWKhCGmRehqVwXU1wiWBw8etVDgorC9CcAVKYiNNpUqXHCxrKPvPHvZ9zwtbhXH2uLCJ2rZW2ukWFfCrftiHsLkR1M6HmR3CiTyVuW8FgcWzdfDDwLgc77t66wKq6Pp3sPHLwNehv4T6Qm6g2XX

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David Black

David Black is the founder of Aquarian Metals, a precious metals education company. He's a passionate advocate for sound money in an uncertain world.

Articles: 29

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