Before the Disclaimer:
Aquarian Metals is maintained and managed by a single person. A.I. is sometimes used to generate informational content or generate different media. All content is vetted and proof-read for accuracy in the same way a Publisher employs an Editor to proof-read content. Most articles are written by me entirely, some are co-written using AI, and all of it has been vetted for accuracy. I stand by everything I publish and take responsibility for all inaccuracies I might inadvertently introduce. While I strive for high quality content, mistakes sometimes happen. If you find anything incorrect, please don’t hesitate to drop me a line at [email protected]!
The benefit of using A.I. is that, as a business owner, I now have at my disposal extremely powerful tools which make running my business 1000x faster, cheaper, and with a higher quality. You can do this too!Aquarian Metals welcomes the weird future marching towards us.
-David Black, CEO | Founder ♒️
Legal Disclaimer
AI Disclaimer
At The Aquarian, LLC, we are committed to providing high-quality, accurate, and informative content to our readers. To achieve this goal, we employ various content creation methods, including human-authored articles, AI-generated media, and articles co-written by humans and AI.
AI-Generated Content
In some instances, we utilize artificial intelligence (AI) to generate specific types of media, such as images, videos, or audio content. When AI is used to create media for our website, we carefully review the output to ensure it aligns with our quality standards and is relevant to the topic at hand.
Human-Authored Content
Many of our articles are written entirely by human authors without the use of AI. In these cases, our writers research the subject matter thoroughly, gather information from reliable sources, and craft original, engaging content for our readers.
Human-AI Collaboration
For some articles, we employ a collaborative approach where human writers work alongside AI to create content. In this process, AI may assist with research, data analysis, or initial drafts, while our human writers provide additional insights, refine the content, and ensure its accuracy and readability.
Content Review and Accuracy
Regardless of the content creation method used, all articles and media published on Aquarian Metals are vetted by our editorial team for accuracy, clarity, and relevance. We strive to provide our readers with reliable information and promptly update any inaccuracies when brought to our attention.
Ownership and Responsibility
Aquarian Metals is owned and operated by David Black, CEO of The Aquarian, LLC, who takes full responsibility for the content published on this platform. As the sole business owner, David oversees the content creation process and ensures that all published materials adhere to our editorial guidelines and standards.
If you have any questions or concerns about our content creation process or the use of AI on our website, please don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected].