The Stoic Stacker: Stacking in a Time of Uncertainty

There’s so much negative noise out there right now vying for your attention. All we see and hear is that the world is on fire. How could we possibly do anything about our own finances when it seems the world is crumbling around us?

The headlines proclaim…

War Drums.
Right vs Left.
Poison Shots.
Inflation Fears.
Political Unrest.
Deflation Fears.
Housing Collapse.
Economic Collapse.
Neighbor vs Neighbor.
Record Household Debt.

Don’t let the headlines win. Don’t Consume Fear.

Your fear is trying to take your rational action and turn it into paralysis. It wants you to do nothing so that it can take from you what you’ve built or intend to build.

Now, I’m not saying none of those fears are unfounded. Far from it. I’m saying we can’t let the fear get the best of us when it comes to our financial independence. Just like we can’t allow fear to consume us lest we become fear ourselves.

The Stoic Stacker

Before we move on, what is Stoicism? Stoicism is a philosophy that advocates mastering one’s emotions and focusing on virtue to achieve a life of wisdom, courage, and inner tranquility, guided by the understanding of what is within and outside of one’s control.

All those fears I mentioned at the beginning are turning our precious focus from ourselves. Fear can lock us into action paralysis- the human version of “deer in the headlights”. All those awful things capture our attention and we feel helpless.

First of all, I’m not telling you to become a Stoic. I’m certainly not- nor do I want to be (Who actually finds the idea of being bound by arbitrary labels appealing?). But I find the idea of understanding what I can and cannot control very useful to me. If I know what I’m truly helpless against, then what sense does it make to put energy into it? I can safely be unafraid of an asteroid hitting Earth because I’m not capable of stopping it.

Starve your fear. Let it go.

So how does this relate to stacking money?

All Weather Stacking

When we’ve begun the process of reducing fear we find ourselves in a place of creation. We can make better decisions. We can follow our plans better. We can even spot opportunities when they come our way. And considering there’s no bad time to accumulate gold or silver, we just do it without thinking about it. But how… ?

Arguably the easiest investment strategy in the world is Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA). It’s the idea that it doesn’t matter what the metal price is, you accumulate the asset because the varying prices of when you bought it will average out over time.

DCA is so easy to do that I’ll explain it using generic examples:

The market goes up? Accumulate.
The market goes down? Accumulate.
Team Blue wins the White House? Accumulate.
Team Red wins the White House? Accumulate.
The USD spirals into hyperinflation/hyperdeflation? Accumulate.
The war in [insert nation here] won/lost? Accumulate.
Protests in the streets? Accumulate.

See a pattern?

Fundamentally… is it a good time to Accumulate? The answer is always “yes”.

Over the long term you’ll be in a better place than those who don’t. If you’re fearful of the world around you, the only way to alleviate it (aside from transformative meditation) is to do something about it. Stack. Keep stacking. Stack when others think you’re foolish for it. Stack when you’re afraid. Stack when you’re happy. Stack when your favorite sports ball team loses. Stack when you’re at home and when you rise up.

The future of your financial stability depends on what you’re attracting. If you’re attracting wealth, then it doesn’t matter what the political weather looks like: Accumulate.

Be a Stoic Stacker. Accumulate without fear.

Get started with Gold and Silver Stacking by checking out our article Beginner’s Guide to Powerful Gold Investing Strategies.

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David Black

David Black is the founder of Aquarian Metals, a precious metals education company. He's a passionate advocate for sound money in an uncertain world.

Articles: 25

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